Get to Know Biblical, Rigorous Courses
Whether you're curious about the curriculum for your chosen program or have a question about how many credits you should take, you've come to the right place! At Cedarville, you'll be supported each step of the way from admission to graduation, and the courses you take during that time are no exception.
Get answers to your questions about:

Choosing Courses
What Will My Curriculum Be Like?
Your courses will stretch you, as professors are dedicated to preparing you for success in your career. More than this, though, every course you take will be integrated with biblical truth, so you'll develop not only as a professional, but also as a Christ-follower. You'll also have plenty of academic support throughout your time here. Explore the courses, labs, and other learning experiences that make up each of Cedarville's 175+ programs.
Who Will Help Me Register for Courses?
You will be assigned an academic advisor in your major department. If you haven't chosen a major yet, your advisor will work with you to help you explore areas of interest. Advisors are here to help you throughout your time at Cedarville, as you think through your schedule each semester and decide which courses are best for you.
How Do I Choose Courses Each Semester?
For your first semester at Cedarville, your course schedule will be made for you by the Office of the Registrar. Your schedule will include a balance of courses that isn't too demanding or too heavy in one subject. After your first semester, you'll plan out your own courses through Student Planning. You can track your progress, view prerequisites and course descriptions, and create a personal course timeline for the years you'll be studying at Cedarville.
If you'd like to change any of your courses, you'll be able to do so online during the week that classes begin. Make sure to meet with your advisor first for helpful guidance. After the first week, you'll need a drop/add form, available in the Registrar's Office (SSC-132), to complete a schedule change.
What Requirements Are There for International Students?
You'll need to complete at least 12 credit hours each semester and hold a minimum 2.0 GPA to maintain your F-1 visa status. Remember, you'll have plenty of guidance and support when it comes to scheduling your courses and staying on top of your coursework.
When Are Classes Held?
Discover what your yearly schedule will look like as you pursue your degree at Cedarville, and view special campus-wide events like breaks, Fall Bible Conference, and Homecoming. Explore the Academic Calendar
Can I Test Out of Certain Courses?
Are there certain subjects for which you already have college-level knowledge? CLEP lets you earn college credit by passing exams in these areas. These tests are available through Cedarville once you've been accepted for admission. Learn more about CLEP exams
Course Policies
How Will I Receive Course Information?
Professors typically communicate course expectations through the syllabus, which you'll typically receive on the first day of class. The syllabus is your guide to each course, outlining the topics of study, the professor's policies, and the assignments and deadlines for the semester. You'll also want to check your Cedarville email often, as important announcements and information are communicated here.
How Will I Be Graded?
Cedarville University uses the four-point system to determine academic averages. The grade point average (GPA) is computed by dividing the total grade points earned by the total hours attempted. Grades are issued at the end of each semester. Grade points are awarded as follows:
Grade | Grade Points | 100 Point Scale Equivalent |
A/A+ | 4.0 | 93-100 |
A- | 3.7 | 90-92 |
B+ | 3.3 | 87-89 |
B | 3.0 | 83-86 |
B- | 2.7 | 80-82 |
C+ | 2.3 | 77-79 |
C | 2.0 | 73-76 |
C- | 1.7 | 70-72 |
D+ | 1.3 | 67-69 |
D | 1.0 | 65-66 |
F | 0.0 | Below 65 |
What Is the Attendance Policy?
It is important that you attend your courses. Many professors have an attendance policy allowing three to four absences throughout the semester, but additional absences could result in penalties. Be sure to check the syllabus for each class to familiarize yourself with each professor’s policy on absences. Class attendance is also an important part of your F-1 visa status, and the ISS office will help track your attendance to ensure you are maintaining your status.
What Is the Academic Integrity Policy?
Using someone else’s words in an assignment without giving credit by citing the source is considered cheating. It is a very serious offense and can result in penalties. Be sure to familiarize yourself with Cedarville's academic integrity policy.