Transfer Student FAQ
Perhaps you've been wondering ...
Will my credit transfer?
What are your transfer admission requirements?
Can courses that I transfer to Cedarville be used to satisfy my major or minor requirements?
How does my GPA factor into my Cedarville GPA?
What kind of credit do I receive for my developmental or orientation courses?
How does Cedarville convert my present quarter hours into semester hours?
When will I find out which of my credits will transfer?
What is my class standing at Cedarville?
Undergraduate students are classified according to the number of semester hours transferred.
0-30 Freshman
31-60 Sophomore
61-90 Junior
90+ Senior
Where do I send my transcripts?
Please send official transcripts here:
Office of Admissions
251 N. Main St.
Cedarville, OH 45314
When do I register for classes?
What is the university transfer credit policy statement?
Policy Statement
The Associate Registrar for Academic Advising and Transfer Services at Cedarville University will identify those institutions from which credit can be transferred and determine whether course work is college level. If questions arise with regard to transfer of specific courses, this person will confer with the appropriate college or departmental faculty. The following will apply.
- Credit for course work taken at other institutions will be transferred subject to the following considerations:
- the mission of the institution from which credits would be transferred;
- the comparability of the course work with Cedarville University course work; and
- the appropriateness of the course work for meeting degree requirements at Cedarville University.
- Cedarville University will not accept any transfer course with a grade less than a “C-”. Credit is not transferred from specialized or proprietary institutions, military training, or industry-based education programs.
- Credit granted by another institution for nontraditional experiences, College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB) is annually re-evaluated for content and comparability. Evaluation is based upon the standards set by those in academic leadership at Cedarville University and standards are published by the Office of the Registrar.
Transfer credits become applicable to a Cedarville University degree program at the point of the student’s matriculation as a degree-seeking student. An evaluation of the transfer credits is provided to the student and their academic advisor.
Reason for Policy
This policy specifies where authority resides for decisions regarding transferability of credit and outlines the guidelines surrounding the transfer of credits from other institutions. This ensures that courses transferred demonstrate equivalency with Cedarville University courses and are of equivalent rigor to courses offered at Cedarville University. For students planning to transfer credits to Cedarville University, a transfer evaluation is provided upon acceptance to the university. This policy implements criteria and requirements for accreditation established by the Higher Learning Commission.